Conference Info
- Self-parking at the Santa Clara Marriott is available for a discounted rate of $7 / day for attendees not staying at the hotel. Please note there are no in-and-out privileges.
- Parking passes can be picked up at the Connect Registration Desk
- For Attendees staying at the hotel, the $7 discounted rate will automatically apply to the room if they have a vehicle.
Badge Pickup
Sep 10 (Tues)
8 – 9am: Badge pick up for Tutorial Attendees outside Grand Ballroom Salons A-E
12 – 4pm: Early Badge Pickup for all attendees at the Connect Registration desk
Sept 11 – 13 (Wed – Fri)
8 – 9am: Badge Pickup at the Connect Registration Desk
- Light breakfast, lunch and evening receptions are included in the ticket price.
- All keynotes and track sessions will be recorded and available approximately a week after the event on the ONF Vimeo and Youtube channels
Venue Floorplan