Netsia BB Suite
Netsia Broadband (BB) Suite transforms operators’ access network by bringing virtualization and SDN technologies to the edge sites through standardized, carrier-grade, open-sourced software and commodity white-box hardware. While being based on ONF’s open-source SEBA, the product also embraces BBF’s interfaces, enriching the device ecosystem. For more information please visit our website
Netsia, a US subsidiary of Argela/Turk Telekom, is based in Sunnyvale in the heart of Silicon Valley. With key architects, engineers and product people, Netsia is developing leading edge solutions for the telecom industry with development and implementation support from Argela. Netsia is in active participation with open source communities and standards bodies and provides enriched, telco-grade, and supported distributions of the open source platforms in a continuous manner. Netsia Broadband Suite is an example of such distributions, based on the ONF SEBA Open Source Platform. Netsia has a high caliber team of engineers, which have been working on SDN, ONOS project, CORD and SEBA projects for more than ten years. For more information visit