The SD-Core™ project is a 4G/5G disaggregated mobile core optimized for public cloud deployment in concert with distributed edge clouds and is ideally suited for carrier and private enterprise 5G networks. It exposes standard 3GPP interfaces enabling use of SD-Core as a conventional mobile core. It is also available pre-integrated with an adapter (part of the Aether ROC subsystem) for those deploying it as a mobile core as-a-service solution.SD-Core is an integral component of Aether, ONF’s 5G Connected Edge platform for private mobile connectivity and edge cloud services. It can be rapidly deployed pre-integrated with Aether, as a standalone 5G/4G mobile core, or as control and dataplane (UPF) components integrated into custom designed solutions. This range of versatility makes the open source SD-Core platform ideally suited for the broadest range of use cases and deployment scenarios.

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SD-Core Overview

Role of the mobile core…

  • Ensure only authenticated mobile devices have network access
  • Provides IP connectivity for data & voice services
  • Ensures connectivity adheres to QoS and network slice policies
  • Tracks user mobility to ensure uninterrupted service
  • Tracks subscriber usage 

SD-Core Architecture

SD-Core is a flexible, agile, scalable and configurable dual-mode 4G/5G core network platform that builds upon and enhances ONF’s OMEC and free 5GC core network platforms to support LTE, 5G NSA and 5G SA services.

The SD-Core control plane provides the flexibility of simultaneous supports for 5G standalone, 5G non-standalone and 4G/LTE deployments.

SD-Core provides a rich set of APIs to Runtime Operation Control (ROC). Operators can use these APIs to provision the subscribers in the mobile core; control runtime configuration of network functions; and provide telemetry data to third party applications. Third party applications can leverage telemetry data to create applications for closed loop control.

Multiple Distributed User Planes

SD-Core has three User Plane Functions (UPFs) designed to be deployed throughout the network edge. Each UPF is optimized to handle specific classes of application and take advantage of various hardware acceleration options. Deployments can intermix the UPF variants.

  • P4-Based UPF optimized for private enterprise deployments, and providing fine-grained visibility for verifiable performance and secure operations
  • Containerized Dual-Core UPF optimized for private enterprise deployments, capable of processing LTE and 5G traffic simultaneously
  • Containerized Dual-Core UPF optimized for various MNO use cases, capable of processing LTE and 5G traffic simultaneously

SD-Core is an Integral Part of Aether

SD-Core is an integral component of Aether, ONF’s 5G Connected Edge platform for private mobile connectivity and edge cloud services. 

SD-Core provides the 4G/5G connectivity and the SD-Core control plane at the central site controls multiple SD-Core user plane components running at each Aether Edge site.


SD-Core Resources

White PaperSD-Core