Dr. Carlos J. Bernardos received a Telecommunication Engineering degree
in 2003, and a PhD in Telematics in 2006, both from the University
Carlos III of Madrid, where he worked as a research and teaching
assistant from 2003 to 2008 and, since then, has worked as an Associate
Professor. His research interests include IP mobility management,
network virtualization, cloud computing, vehicular communications and
experimental evaluation of mobile wireless networks. He has published
over 50 scientific papers in international journals and conferences. He
is an active contributor to IETF since 2005, e.g. to AUTOCONF, MEXT,
NETEXT, DMM, MULTIMOB and SDNRG working groups, being co-author of more
than 30 contributions, several standards (RFC 6276, RFC 7028, RFC 7148,
RFC 7161, RFC 7333, RFC 7429), several active working group documents,
and co-chairs the IETF P2PSIP WG.
He visited the Computer Laboratory of University of Cambridge in 2004
and the University of Coimbra in 2005. He has worked in several EU
funded projects, being the technical manager of the FP7 MEDIEVAL project
and the Deputy Project Coordinator of the FP7 iJOIN project.
He has served as a guest editor for IEEE Network, served as local
arrangements co-chair of ACM CoNEXT 2008, and has served on the TPC of a
number of conferences and workshops including IEEE VTC and IEEE
Antonio de la Oliva – University Carlos III of Madrid