MWC Barcelona
Feb 25, 2019 to Feb 28, 2019 | Barcelona, Spain
Join us at ONF Booth #1E11 (Hall 1) to experience the latest innovations to ONF’s mobile CORD (M-CORD) platform. Speak to our experts about the latest trends and open source software-driven technologies shaping the 5G, IoT and multi-access edge networks of the future.
The all-new integrated ONF demonstration will highlight:
- Cloud Native Edge: All containerized, P4 programmable CORD platform as the mobile edge cloud
- Open Source EPC: ONF’s soon-to-be open sourced, deployment grade, disaggregated, virtualized and containerized EPC
- C-RAN: Cellular connectivity via commercially available, C-RAN solution
- Hybrid Cloud Operation: Edge cloud connectivity to remote telco cloud and user plane - control plane distribution across the edge and the telco clouds
- Multi-Access Edge Cloud: Multi-access support at the edge - broadband access with SEBA and mobile access with M-CORD served by CORD’s multi-access edge cloud
- Global Orchestration: Interworking with ONAP designed connectivity services (network slices) synchronized, implemented and executed in CORD
- Multi-Tenant Service Mesh: Multi-tenant applications running on a multi-cloud service mesh, leveraging Kubernetes and Istio
- Analytics and Edge Automation: Analytics triggers driving edge cloud automation

Demos At the ONF Booth
5G Monetization - Immersive 360 Degree Live Media streaming
Multifaceted use-case based on Infosys Entertainment Experience Platform (IEEP) through which 360 Degree VR media streaming can be used for live sports viewing, event viewing, training, tele-medicine and any other scenarios enterprise needs. This will help in teleporting virtually an experience in real-time and can thereby help to replicate any scenario which currently is limited by number of physical access or physical presence
New ways of doing RF design
Innovative method of RF design for 5G small cell and macro cell infrastructure combining 3D maps and GIS assets and automated trigger for changes. The LiDAR technology developed by our partner company helps dynamic and rapid refresh of the map data and is best suited for 5G millimeter wave deployment.
AI/ML based Closed Loop Assurance for Networks
Unique method of ML based fault detection, pattern learning and automated root cause analysis combined with automated actions for self-heal networks. The AI/ML solution of Infosys based on home-grown platform Infosys Smart Network Assurance (ISNA) help operate networks efficiently and accelerates the path towards fully automated and digitized network operations.
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