March 14 – 17, 2016 | Santa Clara, California
Open Networking Summit 2016 is the largest and most influential SDN and NFV event that unites the networking industry ecosystem of service providers, enterprises, both disruptive and incumbent vendors, open source projects, leading researchers and investors to discuss breaking SDN and NFV developments for immediate impact to shape the future of the networking industry.
ONS2016 Program Highlights:
- 20+ talks across keynotes, panels and plenary sessions.
- 100+ talks across 8 concurrent tracks on business, developers, technology and usecase/solutions.
- 5 mini summits by OpenDaylight, ONOS, CORD, ACM SOSR and MEF LSO
- 3 co-located events: OPNFV Hackfest, DevOps Networking forum and USENIX NSDIí16.
- Expo featuring most SDN / NFV exhibits under one roof.
- 20 cutting edge SDN Solutions Showcases (S3).