Rimedo Labs – QRA xApp
Rimedo Labs implemented the QoS-based Resource Allocation (QRA) xApp with an aim of dynamic allocation of radio resources. Within each slice different user demands on QoS can be distinguished in more detail due to the introduction of QoS flows. While each 5G cell has defined radio resources, it is an important task to effectively allocate them to network slices, in order to meet the SLAs, and individual QoS flow requirements, e.g., minimum required user throughput, packet loss rate, and maximum delay. An efficient approach to this challenge is to split the radio resources dynamically according to the actual traffic demands. The Rimedo Labs xApp dynamically controls the quota of Physical Resource Blocks (PRBs) that should be allocated to the different network slices to meet the SLA requirements and at the same time, adjust them, depending on the temporary traffic demand. The xApp sends the E2 commands to the O-DU, where the Medium Access Control (MAC) scheduler operates, to control the policy for slice management.