Technical papers serve as engineering and application guides for OpenFlow®-based SDN solutions. They analyze the technical details associated with specific features and/or usage of SDN and OpenFlow-based solutions, and provide resolutions to overcome issues and recommendations for further action.
Global Transport SDN Prototype Demonstration (October, 2014)
SDN Architecture 1.0 (June, 2014)
SDN Architecture Overview (Dec. 12, 2013)
ONF PlugFest Technical Report (June 2013, InCNTRE Lab, Indianapolis Indiana)
by Michael Haugh, Chair and Ronald Milford, Vice-Chair | Testing & Interoperability Working Group October 2012 Interoperability Event Technical Paper, v0.4 (Feb. 7, 2013)
March 2012 Interoperability Event Technical Paper, v1.0 (April 19, 2012)
Separating Authentication, Access and Accounting: A Case Study with OpenWiFi (Sept. 2011)