We want to take a moment to highlight some of those contributions (and the people) that are making a substantial difference across our amazing communities.
Table of Contents
Certification Brigade
ONF Developer Relations (DevRel)
- ONF decided to start working with Mary Thengvall in June on a part-time basis to improve our on-boarding processes. https://www.linkedin.com/in/marythengvall/
- Matteo Scandolo has made great progress in putting together community views - we will be releasing more information soon about how to see progress in different ONF communities.
- ONF presence at OCP Taiwan Day
- Well-organized, well-attended (~200) OCP regional event
Certification Brigade
- Brigade team completed Operational test cases for the Switch component.
- Team executed and verified all the committed test cases.
- Review meetings were held for the Switch Certification Test Plan and the test plan was revised accordingly.
- Finally, brigade team started to draft OLT Certification Test Plan.
- Added a open-source COMAC CDN. The previous COMAC CDN includes Wowza server which is commercial software. The open-source CDN replaced Wowza server with Ant Media server community version which is open-source software. Also, we replaced VLC streamer with ffMPEG framework to stream video together with Ant Media server.
- Created Helm-charts for CDN Monitoring service for single k8s cluster scenario.
- Designed a COMAC VNF diagnostic solution based on TCP replay and real traffic trace files. The diagnostic is able to verify VNFs running correctly or not without eNB hardware. Since the diagnostic does not need to use eNB hardware, it will be useful for COMAC developers, contributors, and CI/CD. The diagnostic is available for SPGW-C and SPGW-U in COMAC and other VNFs are under development for now.
- gNMI northbound interface supports subscribe in POLL and ONCE modes
- gNMI Set supports multi device transaction and rollback
- Operational and State cache per device almost complete
- Added gNMI extensions to facilitate inband naming and versioning
- Device simulators moved to separate repo
- Build system improved with code coverage
- Integration with Atomix for distributed stores started
- Starting integration of Stratum simulator
CORD Platform
- Released “cordctl” command-line interface for CORD / XOS. The cordctl tool is useful for inspecting and modifying XOS models. It can also be used to backup and restore the XOS database.
- New documentation: added Developer’s workflow guide and Operating guide for Prometheus & ELK Stack. A presentation on the Developer workflow is online: https://youtu.be/jJn4j_la31M?t=132
- Improved TOSCA loader job so that it doesn’t go into confusing Error / CrashLoopBackoff cycle when the XOS core is loading models.
- Completed bidirectional intents with pair ports work thanks to Alessio giorgetti and Ramon Casellas
- Accepted ECOC 2019 demo
- Progress on proposal for Input Power extension to Openconfig
- Extension of GUI of OpenRoadm app to show TXs and their values thanks to Alessio Giorgetti and Boyuan Yan
- Work on current input and output power retrieval thanks to Boyuan Yan.
- Initial Modulation and FEC implementation design thanks to Sterlite (Puneet and Vishnu)
OIMT (Open Information Modeling & Tooling)
- OIMT held a face-to-face meeting jointly with OTCC/TAPI in Beijing, China on 6 – 10 May 2019. The meeting was hosted jointly by China Mobile Communications Corporation (CMCC) and FiberHome (CICT – China Information Communication Technologies Group) and attended by 35 participants (including 9 remotely via ZOOM) from 11 ONF member companies.
- A full day tutorial was provided on the first of the meeting to introduce the ONF Core information model (TR-512), the TAPI concepts and model, the TAPI OAM for Ethernet, UML Modeling guidelines & tooling, and demonstrate the UML-to-YANG auto-translation.
- Technical topics discussed to progress TR-512 for v1.5 & v2.0 include Model extension methodology, Providing and maintaining accurate view via log streaming, Using capability model to replace Service-Resource and unifying network and virtual network, Consideration of using CIM to express SPN (including MTN), Profile & Template model, Occurrence model, Expected Equipment, Spec model rework, and Addressing issues of the UML-YANG mapping tool
- Technical topics discussed to progress TAPI for v2.2 & 3.0 include Topology & Connectivity Enhancements for TAPI 3.0, TAPI multilayer abstraction model, Augmentation for photonic aspects, Multilayer model scenarios, and Routing and Resilience constraint.
- The minutes of the meeting is available at https://wiki.opennetworking.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=435453957, which includes the links to the tutorial presentations and the contributions.
- Identified some hardcode and bugs in OMEC, and began working on the bug fixes.
- Invited more people to participate in the license checking for OMEC which is hosted on blackduck website.
- Infosys team gave an analysis to the current open mme, also reported the functional and design level gaps, such as error handling, APN selection, number of sessions/bearer support.
- Sprint and T-mobile Poland shared the next step working items in the OMEC TST meeting, such as MTU management, support for IP packets fragmentation, user plane IPv6 support.
- µONOS team had a work-week in Milan, Italy in the middle of May to kick off the ONOS Config Subsystem development work; see http://github.com/onosproject/
- New archetype for GUI2 has been created
OTCC (Open Transport Config & Control)
- Held face-to-face meeting with OIMT, see above
- TAPI 2.2 Release Candidate 2 posted by Karthik Sethuraman (NEC), TAPI sub-project lead. TAPI 2.2 will incorporate the following extensions to RC 1:
- OAM & ETH OAM updates due to MEF CfC feedback
- Equipment RPCs
- Reverted Node.aggregatedNodeEdgePoint removal.
- Arturo Mayoral (Telefonica) has started up an effort to define best practices for multilayer topology representation in TAPI
- Information Modeling sub-project under Kam Lam is working closely with ITU-T and IEEE in a joint effort to coordinate Ethernet modeling across industry organizations and standards
- P4 Developer Day held on April 30th, 2019. This year it included an advanced track, based on ONOS and presented by Carmelo Cascone and Brian O'Connor, as well as a P4 Showcase with presentations by Western Digital, Kaloom, Google, and Barefoot Networks. https://p4.org/events/2019-04-30-p4-developer-day/
- P4 Workshop held on May 1st, 2019. The program featured 11 technical talks, demos and posters, and a keynote by John Hennessy. https://p4.org/events/2019-05-01-p4-workshop/
- A P4 Hackathon is being organized at IETF 105. https://p4.org/events/2019-07-20-ietf105/
- SEBA Tech Profiles brigade added support for VOLTHA tech profiles with contributions and bug fixes from Hardik, Selva, and Vignesh (all Infosys)
- SEBA Pod Management brigade started work on implementing a Redfish importer. A complementary kafka-topic exporter was contributed by Ganesh Bhure (Sterlite)
- BBSim brigade added rest-api support in BBSim to trigger the simulation of multiple events with contributions from Zdravko (Radisys). Bug fixes came in from Mahir (Netsia).
- ONOS FCAPS brigade added support for over 13 RADIUS related stats with contributions from Kartikey and Vijaykumar (Infosys).
- Jason Huang (EdgeCore) contributed patches towards the migration to BAL 3.0
- With a look towards 5G backhaul/fronthaul, SEBA was presented at the Big 5G Event in Denver at a workshop co-hosted by ONF, OCP and LFN
- SEBA was also introduced at a meetup hosted by Intel at their San Jose facility
- Carmelo, Yi and Brian put together the first Stratum-based, public tutorial at the P4 Developer Day.
- Craig contributed a peripheral database and bootstrap mechanism, which bridges the Stratum common code with the platform API.
- Max and Yi contributed improvements to the CI system and code coverage views.
- Jobin Joseph (Infosys) integrated support for avoiding unnecessary host move processing. This was achieved by introducing a configuration that allows the HostProvider to monitor any host moves across locations beyond a threshold limit and stops host move processing for a predefined period of time. This will provide protection to the controller against resource drain due to rogue host moves.
- Anjali K. K. (Infosys) delivered an Automated Host discovery feature. This allows the DHCP relay app to configure a particular Leaf switch for Automated host discovery and sends a NS message on the host port coming up. This is based on the DHCP record holding the last known host IP address for that location.
- Sudhir Maurya (Infosys), Harshada Chaundkar (Infosys), Ravi Dewangan (Infosys) and Ruchi Sahota (Infosys) have contributed various fixes for issues seen at scale
- ONF team implemented the support for user-provided timeouts in intra-cluster communication service
- ONF team improved the routes population when the next-hop moves (populate subnet is called once per next-hop movement)
- ONF team prioritized certain routes among others in the routes population (statically configured routes are populated first)
- ONF team introduced a new API in route service to return only resolved routes
- Matt Jeanneret (AT&T) provided a demo of the containerized python-based openolt and openonu adapters
- Jason Huang (EdegCore) provided an update on the BAL 3.0 brigade progress and a related demo
- VOLTHA v2.0 was tagged -- congratulations to the community for reaching this milestone