We want to take a moment to highlight people and contributions that are making a substantial difference across our amazing communities.
Table of Contents
Ambassador Program
Developer Relations & Communities
- Aether 2.1 models have been developed by performing some restructuring on the 2.0 models. Each onos-config target now represents a separate target. The sdcore-adapter, API, GUI, and other components have been updated to use these new models.
- As part of a Project Pronto demo performed in May, a new edge-to-edge communication mechanism was developed. We demonstrated a camera application on an edge at Stanford being controlled by a controller on an edge at Princeton. In addition to control, screenshots from the cameras were transmitted between edges.
- Stanford and Princeton University research regarding drone flight was updated to use the latest Aether software stack, and demoed as part of the May Pronto demo.
- Aether-in-a-Box on Hardware Radios has undergone continued development and documentation and is available as a lightweight platform for people to quickly bring up a physical on-premise deployment. Aether-in-a-Box for Developrs also continues to be usable with simulated radios for those who do not have physical small cell hardware.
- Development continued on enodebd, a service responsible for configuring and monitoring small cells.
- Work continues on implementing a new API layer for Aether, as well as implementing a new analytics engine.
- SD-RAN team is working on migrating all of the prestandard Service Models we have created over the last year, to the official standardized O-RAN RC SM
- We are also working on a NETCONF to gNMI adaptor for the O1 interface to onos-config
- SD-Core Release 1.1.1 is currently deployed in the Aether production network.
- SD-Core Team is working on the SD-Core 1.2 release:
- SD-Core 1.2.0 is scheduled to be released the end of June.
- gNBSim : Vini from GS Lab is working on REST API based profile execution.
- gNBsim: Vijaya from Intel working on GUTI attach procedure.
- Package dependency cleanup to get rid of free5gc circular dependency within omec-project. Omec-project has all the dependencies forked and all 5G package modules are referencing to omec-project modules only.
- SMF : Ankur from Intel is working on SMF changes to support UPF based UE IP address allocation. Code is in review progress.
- AMF States in Database : Badharinath from Intel is working on this feature. This feature is about moving subscriber states to the database. This will make AMF handle the failures and persist subscriber states. This code is available in the pull request now and expected to be merged soon.
- Metric Feature support in SD-Core (5G component) - Ajay from ONF’s/Intel team is working on changing the way metrics are exposed from SD-Core. Design document available here. First version of code is available in pull request.
- NRF keepalive feature : Vijaya from Intel is working on this feature. Code is available in pull requests for multiple network functions. This feature will help running multiple instances of network functions and pruning unavailable network function instances.
- SCTPLb - SCTP code is separated from AMF. Corresponding helm chart changes and also AMF changes are already committed. In later releases we shall work on multiple instances of AMF behind SCTPLB.
- Released SD-Fabric v1.1.2 with fixes for P4Runtime port translation.
- Carmelo Cascone and Charles Chan (Intel) presented a 3-part SD-Fabric Tutorial at the 2022 P4 Workshop (in the “Application” track) with hands-on labs available on Github.
- Yi Tseng (Intel) has been setting up nightly system test infrastructure in the new Intel-hosted SD-Fabric community testbed.
- Daniele Moro (Intel) improved P4-UPF troubleshooting tools by creating a new ONOS CLI command to produce per-session UPF stats such as throughput and packet loss.
- Pier Luigi Ventre (Intel) fixed a bug in ONOS configuration change handling, which was causing some flow not being updated correctly during dynamic interface config.
- Broadband Area Community Meetup Berlin was held in May, hosted by Deutsche Telekom - check out the blog for an overview and access to all the presentations.
- Redis client support in voltha-lib-go was contributed by NETSIA, thanks to Serkant Uluderya, allowing for REDIs to be used as a database in lieu of ETCD.
- DEVICE_IN_WRONG_STATE was introduced in the DMI interface to allow operators to act on devices getting stuck in unexpected states during several operations, thanks to Amit Ghosh from Radisys.
- Extended OMCI message support was introduced in the openonu adapter, BBSIM and tested in voltha-system-tests thanks to Holger Hildebrandt and Torsten Thieme from Adtran.
- The Zyxel OLT has been integrated into the CI testing in the Berlin pod. This great achievement was done thanks to the collaboration of Intel, Zyxel and DT, in particular Bjoern Nagel from DT, the whole Zyxel team in particular Emanuel Villalobos, Maverick Ou, Petr Doutnáč, and Intel with Andrea Campanella, Girish Gowdra and Hardik Windlass.
- Design discussion for the VOLTHA replacement controller and OLT disconnection/reconnection have been done and agreed upon, thanks to the whole TST, the community and everybody who contributed.
- Several documentation enhancements have been made, including setup of DT container for tests, voltha-system-tests docs enhancements , contributing to voltha page and release process page, thanks to Intel, in particular Hardik Windlass and Andrea Campanella
- The BBF adapter has been extended to the latest version of sysrepo and netopeer, allowing for usage of the mount-path, as correctly expected from the BBF CLoud-Co architecture, a huge thanks to Elia Battiston from ONF.
- Testing has been enhanced and optimized, as an example ATT timeouts. A particular thanks to Torsten Thieme from Adtran and Hardik Windlass at Intel.
- Bug fixes and performance enhancements have been contributed all across the board.
- The P4 2022 Workshop was held as a virtual event May 24-26 with a combination of live keynotes and on-demand talks from community members around the world. Over 1500 pre-event registrations was a record! The talks covered:
- P4 language
- P4 compile targets
- P4 tool chain
- P4 use cases and applications
- Control plane/network OS for P4 targets
- Many thanks to General Chair, Bruce Davie and Program Chair, JK Lee who guided the creation of the event and speaker selection. Also, thank you to the Program Committee Members who reviewed CFP talks and participated in moderating recorded talks: Jeremias Blendin, Mihai Budiu, Thomas Calvert, Charles Chan,Xin Jin, Daehyeck Kim, Alan Lo, Fernando Ramos, Chris Sommers and Robert Soule.
- Max Pudelko (Intel) provided a number of fixes and improvements, including to stratum_bfrt, th
- Namrata Limaye, Brian O’Connor, and Ajay Kumar Dubey (Intel) presented work on P4-OvS at the 2022 P4 Workshop. P4-OvS leverages Stratum as the data plane agent for several P4-enabled targets using TDI.
- Runming Wu (Google) upstreamed a new batched programming API to SONiC, which is used by PINS to optimize the call stack and improve performance.
- Robert Halstead (Google), Niloofar Toorchi (ONF), and Tony Titus (Marvell) contributed a new configuration mechanism for the PINS P4Runtime service.
- Don Newton and Andrii Iermolaiev (Intel) extracted the PINS genetlink packet in code into its own library for use by other SONiC apps and provided some utility programs.
- Yilan Ji (Google) fixed a critical bug that was breaking SONiC’s warm boot feature.
- There were four presentations on PINS at the 2022 P4 Workshop:
- Judy Snow (ONF) presented the PINS Getting Started tutorial;
- Daniele Moro (Intel) and Niloofar Toorchi (ONF) presented Enabling WCMP in SONiC using PINS and ONOS;
- Srikishen Pondicherry (Google), Brian O’Connor, and Don Newton (Intel) presented PINS Packet I/O; and
- Bhagat Janarthanan, Vamsi Punati (Google), Brian O’Connor, and Reshma Sudarshan (Intel) presented a PINS Update and Roadmap.
- Engineers from Samsung Research Institute presented a proposal and design for an AI assisted automation framework - a hybrid application with some components running on ONOS and others off platform.
- Pier Ventre (Intel) has been working on upgrading Bazel version.
- Pier Ventre and Jordan Halterman (Intel) are updating all stores and related subsystems to use the new Atomix client; work is ongoing
- µONOS configuration subsystem now supports a new gNMI extension to allow clients to override the default model type/version when applying updates via gNMI Set or issuing queries via gNMI Get
- Matteo Scandolo (Intel) enhanced the gNMI config-models toolchain and added client libraries to make it easier to compose and work with model-specific structures
- Sean Condon (Intel) updated ygot toolchain used by config-models and eliminated circular dependency between onos-config and config-models
- Virtual Face-to-Face OIMT meeting on April 19-22, 2022 with participants from Ciena, Cisco, FiberHome/CICT, Network Mining, Nokia, and ZTE. Topics covered and discussion led by:
- Controller Streaming (Nigel Davis – Ciena)
- Advanced Aggregates (Chris Hartley – Cisco and Nigel Davis – Ciena)
- Draft TR-512.A.15 - Zero Trust Controller (Malcolm Betts – ZTE)
- OAM Job/Task (Nigel Davis – Ciena)
- Spec Model (Nigel Davis – Ciena)
- Temporal Expression (Nigel Davis – Ciena)
- Work plan and TR-512 release (Kam Lam – CICT)
- The TAPI group is working now on TAPI 2.4 and Reference Implementation Agreement 2.0 as led by Ramon Casellas (CTTC)
- Also recent work on ROADM path optical impairments incorporation into the TAPI model, led by Andrea Mazzini (Nokia) with some participation from Esther Le Rouzic (TIP MUST)
- xHaul group continues to work on extending its models for Synchronization, Equipment and Backup/Restore under the leadership of Thorsten Heinze (Telefonica)
Ambassador Program
- We announced new members of the 2022 ONF Ambassador A-team – Ahmed Abdelaziz, Amanda Espindola Raymundi and Bayhan Sayinti
Ambassador team members participated in a Venko Networks event in Sao Paulo on May 25th and discussed ONF projects with a focus on SEBA/VOLTHA. Thank you to Amanda Espíndola Raymundi, José Castillo Lema, Ricardo Tombi and Rony A. Spada Pedroso.
Developer Relations and Communities
- See all community contributions in the ONF Community Dashboard